Tuesday 21 April 2015

TPTB on Twitter: 2015 Worlds (Papadakis/Cizeron Edition)

Many ice dance fans, myself included, could have done without ever having to see Davis/White (or this pose) again. [Their full performance from the Opening Ceremony can be found here.  As for the quality of skating, I can only assume that they were instructed not to show up the flower retrievers.]  But let's be real.  They had to be in attendance at this competition in order to pass the torch to these guys.

[No, this lack of unison is not the reason they shouldn't have won finished on the podium.  This is just the most visible of a myriad of issues I hope to explore in future posts, and something the reigning Olympic champions had a tendency of doing.]

Now, Bev Smith noticed the glorious technique coming out of Montreal back in the fall.

You might even say she's a fan.

The skepticism expressed below was in response to a discussion about Chock/Bates' placement in the Short Dance. She didn't appear to be concerned about the final result.  (Nor about the nine times Virtue/Moir were wrongly defeated by Davis/White prior to Sochi.)


No, Papadakis/Cizeron's victory came as an agreeable surprise. 

One might even wonder if her expressions of shock were genuine.   But if they were... well, some of us could have predicted this back in November after Cup of China.

The pot insinuating that the kettle might possibly be black:

Tessa bringing credibility to the sport like a boss:

And a celebratory graphic from Ice-Dance.com that helpfully illustrates Papadakis/Cizeron's unjustifiable rise through the ranks, one that Davis/White themselves surely must envy:

Next up, a return to technical analysis.

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