Gilles/Poirier - 2014 Autumn Classic SD aborted Rotational Lift |
This lift was scored as No Level because a minimum of 3 rotations is needed for Level 1 [reference 1].
Despite the jarring error, G/P's PCS personal best increased by:
0.56 points over a regional competition this past summer (Minto Summer Skate)
1.45 points over their PCS personal best from last quadrennial (set at 2014 Worlds)
Chock/Bates - 2014 Skate America FD exit/transition from Diagonal Step Sequence |
Ch/Ba's PCS personal best increased by of 0.92 points with this outing.
The Skating Skills mark out of 10.00 is supposed to be reduced by judges by 0.50 in the event of a "Stumble" outside of an element [2]. That means that three judges thought Ch/Ba's Skating Skills were actually worth 9.50 without the Stumble.
Screencap of 2014 Skate America FD protocol [3] |
So are missing elements and trips maybe worth PCS points now?
Paul/Islam - 2014 Autumn Classic FD interrupted Combination Spin |
This Combination Spin was scored as No Level, because they had already pushed into it and the interruption lasted for more than half a rotation [4, 5, 6]. This resulted in no rotations after the interruption being counted.
Paul/Islam - 2014 Autumn Classic FD transition to/entrance of Midline Step Sequence |
Well, it's hard to say. P/I's PCS was 3.73 points lower than their personal best, but if there were a rule change that accorded points to mistakes, the judges would be sure not to give them to P/I in any case.
But are element errors not even penalized through the Grade of Execution score anymore?
Chock/Bates - 2014 Rostelecom Cup excerpt from Not Touching Midline Step Sequence |
This was a very special mistake, because it got Ch/Ba both PCS (+1.65 points) and GOE (+0.25 points) personal bests. Apparently, losing your balance during an element is the way to go. Igor, you're a genius.
The GOE of an element with a "Loss of Balance" by one partner is supposed to be reduced by one grade [8], which means that six of the judges thought this was a +3 step sequence except for Madison's error. Shallow edges and minimal bladework are the new gold standard.
Screencap of 2014 Rostelecom Cup SD protocol [7] |
PCS Compared with Previous Personal Best
Team | 2014-15 Comp | PCS (Factored) | Change (Points) | Change (Unfactored) |
Gilles/Poirier | Autumn Classic (SD) | 31.16 | +0.56 | +0.70 |
Chock/Bates | Skate America (FD) | 51.86 | +0.92 | +0.77 |
Paul/Islam | Autumn Classic (FD) | 41.70 | -3.73 | -3.11 |
Chock/Bates | Rostelecom Cup (SD) | 35.22 | +1.65 | +2.06 |
The unfactored change in PCS personal best is comparable between Short Dances and Free Dances.
What's key here is that G/P and Ch/Ba did not show substantial improvement that could account for the increase on its own, let alone compensate for the errors. In P/I's case, they clearly didn't deserve a personal best for their skate and were penalized accordingly, albeit a bit enthusiastically.
Why were Papadakis/Cizeron not given the -1.00 deduction for sitting on the ice?
Papadakis/Cizeron - 2014 Cup of China SD ending |
A -1.00 deduction is supposed to be applied both in the case of a Fall (which this is) or choreographed sitting on the ice [9]:
"Kneeling or sliding on two knees or sitting on the ice is not allowed and it will be considered by the Technical Panel as a Fall."
While this error may not have interrupted the program to the point it should have significantly impacted the PCS, it is an interesting bit of trivia that P/C saw an increase in their PCS personal best of +0.99. The deduction if applied would also have resulted in them not being awarded an official SD personal best for this skate.
It has also been brought to my attention that this guy, David Molina, will be the Technical Controller at 2014 TEB, so I'm sure nothing untowards will happen in P/C's or Hurtado/Diaz's favour.
Handbook for Technical Panels - Ice Dance, 2014-15
Handbook for Referees and Judges - Ice Dance, 2014-15
1 - Rotational Lift Levels, Tech Handbook pg.44
2 - PCS Adjustments, Judges Handbook pg. 19
3 - 2014 Skate America Free Dance protocol
4 - Dance Spin Levels, Tech Handbook pg. 29
5 - Dance Spin Additional Principles of Calling (#3), Tech Handbook pg. 24
6 - Dance Spin Adjustments to Levels (#3), Tech Handbook pg. 30
7 - 2014 Rostelecom Cup Short Dance protocol
8 - GOE Adjustments, Judges Handbook pg. 13
9 - Deductions, Tech Handbook pg. 92
Personal bests records for parts of the score (PCS, GOE) are not kept by the ISU and have been compiled by me. I will add these in full to the site as I am able to.
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