Gilles/Poirier - 2014 Autumn Classic SD aborted Rotational Lift |
This lift was scored as No Level because a minimum of 3 rotations is needed for Level 1 [reference 1].
Despite the jarring error, G/P's PCS personal best increased by:
0.56 points over a regional competition this past summer (Minto Summer Skate)
1.45 points over their PCS personal best from last quadrennial (set at 2014 Worlds)
Chock/Bates - 2014 Skate America FD exit/transition from Diagonal Step Sequence |
Ch/Ba's PCS personal best increased by of 0.92 points with this outing.
The Skating Skills mark out of 10.00 is supposed to be reduced by judges by 0.50 in the event of a "Stumble" outside of an element [2]. That means that three judges thought Ch/Ba's Skating Skills were actually worth 9.50 without the Stumble.
Screencap of 2014 Skate America FD protocol [3] |
So are missing elements and trips maybe worth PCS points now?